bigleaf 0.8.3
- Rd manual files improved with respect to readability.
bigleaf 0.8.2 (2022-08-22)
- Rd files re-generated using latest version of roxygen2 in response to CRAN request.
bigleaf 0.8.1 (2022-05-01)
- code examples in vignette updated
- example in wind.profile() coded more efficiently
bigleaf 0.8.0
- new function optimum.temperature() added by Alison Bennett. Calculates optimum temperature of
GPP (or any other flux) using boundary line analysis.
bigleaf 0.7.6
- new function roughness.length.heat() added. Calculates roughness length for heat (z0h).
- new output z0h added to function aerodynamic.conductance(). New test function for aerodynamic conductance.
- bug fix in stability.correction() related to NA handling. New test function for stability.correction()
- new roxygen2 version
bigleaf 0.7.5
- growing season filter within adjusted so that it can handle time series that start or
end with incomplete days (i.e. time series that start/end in the middle of the day).
bigleaf 0.7.4
- Solver functions within dew.point() and wetbulb.temp() not called if any of the inputs
is NA, NaN, or Inf. In this case the function returns NA (and not the upper bound as in previous versions).
bigleaf 0.7.3
- Factor 0.93 in wetbulb.temp documented and added to list of constants as 'Le067', defined as the
Lewis number to the power of 0.67.
bigleaf 0.7.2
- z0m as input to Choudhury_1988 and Su_2001 functions for boundary layer conductance. Avoids the implicit
assumptions that z0m is constant over the entire time period. If z0m is not provided as input, the assumption
of a constant z0m is still made and z0m is estimated from the roughness.parameters (method='wind_profile') function.
- wind.profile() function rewritten: heights (argument z) for which wind speed is calculated must have the same length
as the other input data (or of length 1). If wind speed at multiple height needs to be calculated, this needs to be
done outside the function (e.g. as a for loop as in the function example).
bigleaf 0.7.1 (2019-06-08)
- package rebuilt with knitr version 1.23 (fixed encoding issue)
bigleaf 0.7.0 (2019-03-20)
- new functions added: extraterrestrial.radiation() and potential.radiation()
- vignette updated
- function added to unit conversions
- function added to unit conversions (not yet in use)
- solar_constant and H2Omol added to bigleaf.constants
- CITATION file added
bigleaf 0.6.5 (2018-07-04)
- Vignette "Tutorial on bigleaf" added
bigleaf 0.6.4
- bug fix to energy.closure(): G and S were previously always ignored in the calculation of the intercept and slope.
bigleaf 0.6.3
- rownames corrected in the example datasets (starting at 1 now)
- second part of output in function is only shown if at least one variable is actually filtered.
- default values for several arguments changed (e.g. "Ga" to "Ga_h") to ensure internal consistency
bigleaf 0.6.2
- hard-coded conversion factors replaced by constants (e.g. g2kg, Pa2kPa, umol2mol, etc.)
which were added to the bigleaf.constants() list.
bigleaf 0.6.1 (2018-04-21)
- default names for 'formulation' arguments changed for clarity in surface.conductance()
and decoupling(). "PenmanMonteith" is changed to "Penman-Monteith", "FluxGradient" to
"Flux-Gradient", and "JarvisMcNaughton_1986" to "Jarvis&McNaughton_1986".
bigleaf 0.6.0
- function reference.ET() is now covered by potential.ET(). If 'approach=Penman-Monteith',
potential ET is calculated according to the Penman-Monteith equation (as previously
in reference.ET()). Argument 'Gs_pot' (formerly 'Gs_ref') is given in mol m-2 s-1
and defaults to 0.6 mol m-2 s-1.
bigleaf 0.5.2 (2018-04-10)
- Gb output in aerodynamic.conductance and Gb functions renamed to Gb_h to clarify
that values correspond to heat transfer. Same for Rb and kB.
bigleaf 0.5.1
- results of additional quantities (for which Sc is provided) are expressed as
conductances instead of resistances in aerodynamic.conductance()
- 'data' included as argument in radiometric.surface.temp()
- calculation of 'nr_data' accounts for missing values in Gamma if model=Leuning
(function stomatal.slope())
bigleaf 0.5.0
- wind.profile() function restructured. z0m can be provided or calculated from
the logarithmic wind profile equation
- reflectance of downwelling longwave radiation is now accounted for in the
calculation of radiometric surface temperature (function radiometric.surface.temp())
- variable 'LW_down' added to dataset DE_Tha_Jun_2014
- argument 'calc.surface.CO2' removed from intercellular.CO2()
bigleaf 0.4.6
- important bugfix concerning several functions: all required arguments are passed
to nested functions
- argument 'N' in aerodynamic.conductance() now defaults to 2 as in Gb.Su()
bigleaf 0.4.5
- variables 'LW_up' (upward longwave radiation) and 'Reco' (ecosystem respiration)
were added to all three example datasets
- bug fix to 'surface.conditions' and 'pressure.from.elevation' regarding the
'Esat.formulation' argument. In 'Esat.formulation', this argument is not
implemented and the default formulation is taken for all calculations.
bigleaf 0.4.4
- 'reference.ET': argument Gs renamed to Gs_ref
bigleaf 0.4.3
- Function 'bigleaf.constants' restructured in a way that allows
changing the constants for each function call
bigleaf 0.4.2
- constants (a,b,c) from Allen et al. 1998 added as option to 'Esat.slope'
(pull request from Rémi Vezy)
- Argument 'Esat.formula' added to every function that calculates esat
or slope of esat to allow consistency among functions.
- 'light.response': argument "..." added to the nls function
- 'stomatal.slope': argument "..." within each call of nls in the function
bigleaf 0.4.1
- aerodynamic.conductance: Ga_CO2 added to function output
bigleaf 0.4.0
- 'aerodynamic.conductance': Rb can be calculated for other quantities if
the respective Schmidt number is provided. I.e. new arguments "Sc" and
"Sc_name" as the value of the Schmidt number, and the name of the quantity
for which Sc is provided, respectively.
- 'bigleaf.constants': Prandtl number (Pr) and Schmidt number for CO2 (Sc_CO2)
- 'light.response': bug fix: +Reco replaced by -Reco (sign was reversed)
bigleaf 0.3.2
- if statement vectorized (thanks to Rémi Vezy)
- radiometric.surface.temp: Output renamed ("." replaced by "_")
bigleaf 0.3.1
- Monin.Obukhov.length: default arguments added